ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) defines the set of themes used in the financial sector to assess the sustainability of investments and the risk and return profiles of portfolios on economic, governance, environmental and social performance.
By signing up for the United Nations Global Compact, LABELVENTURES has adopted the Ten Principles relating to human rights, labour standards, environmental protection and the fight against corruption, and promotes their adoption in all Group activities and companies.
It also actively contributes to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, with a sustainable strategy that mainly targets the following six objectives, aimed at creating shared value
Responsible investments and active ownership
LABELVENTURES advise the General Partner to guarantee the sustainable success of the Portfolio of investments, through the creation of shared value in the long term.
The Code of Conduct, primarely the Sustainability Policies and the Responsible Investment Policy lead the screening and evaluation processes.
The active ownership phase, through an active dialogue with the Portfolio Companies is also aimed at fully integrating sustainability in the business strategy. A continuously updated ESG Roadmap details the improvement paths for the Holding and the Portfolio Companies.
Organization and resources
Sustainability is permanently on our agenda. Safeguarded by the Founders of the company, made of specific guidelines its encouraged and foster by each the members of company and promoted even further to discover new benchmarks down to the all portfolio, where also there is a continuous dialog and advice on ESG strategy and update on ESG further performances.
The principles
Sustainable Development Goals are the operational cornerstones for the definition of action plans involving all Portfolio Companies and are focused on 3 main directions.
Responsible use of resources, product stewardship and low-carbon transition.
Gender equality, social inclusion, fair working conditions, health and safety.
Responsible investments, sustainable governance and business integrity.
UN Global Compact and Agenda 2030
LABELVENTURES adheres to the United Nations Global Compact, enforcing its commitment to promote a healthy, inclusive and sustainable global economy, respectful of human and labour rights, capable of protecting the environment and actively involved in every aspect of business integrity.
Guiding principles
Inspired by its Vision, Mission and Values and by adopting the principles and rules of conduct defined by the Code of Conduct and following the guidelines provided by the Sustainability Policies, LABELVENTURES manages its independence in order to guarantee the sustainable success of the company through the creation of shared value in the long term.
The various components that contribute to LABELVENTURES‘s knowledge growth require careful assessment of market counterparties with which to undertake partnerships and contractual relationships. Each component, managed according to specific internal procedures, helps to achieve the objectives of return on investment, risk diversification and value creation.
Among the various elements to be assessed, the prospects for improving the ESG positioning and alignment with LABELVENTURES sustainable strategy play a significant role. To this end, LABELVENTURES refrains from any investment or involvement, whether direct or indirect, with entities involved in the production, marketing, use or trade of illegal products or activities. Other ascertained direct or indirect practices also lead to exclusion: for example corruption, money laundering, human rights violations, activities in conflict zones, violations of the fundamental principles of labour, production of goods harmful to health, the environment and morality, an obstacle to sustainability in general.
LABELVENTURES assigns priorities and mobilizes financial resources in a targeted and selective manner, thereby contributing to global challenges and, at the same time, protecting and strengthening financial performance for the benefit of shareholders and all other stakeholders.
Some sectors have direct or indirect negative impacts that even LABELVENTURES transformative capacity cannot overcome. LABELVENTURES does not invest in these sectors such as:
Other sectors may have direct or indirect impacts that are negative, but less so. LABELVENTURES can engage with these companies if they show a willingness to adapt or diversify their activities, also with the support of LABELVENTURES transformative capability.
Some companies only partially operate in critical sectors. By adopting materiality thresholds, LABELVENTURES can engage with these companies if they show a willingness to adapt or diversify their activities, also with the support of LABELVENTURES transformative capability.
By signing up for the United Nations Global Compact, LABELVENTURES has adopted the Ten Principles relating to human rights, labour standards, environmental protection and the fight against corruption, and promotes their adoption in all Group activities and companies.
It also actively contributes to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, with a sustainable strategy that mainly targets the following six objectives, aimed at creating shared value.
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns, through the responsible use of resources, the implementation of regenerative production cycles, product stewardship and the promotion of conservation-oriented lifestyles and consumption.
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts, fostering the low-carbon transition and implementing monitoring, mitigation and adaptation activities for resilient value chains.
Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls, for operational efficiency and social inclusiveness, actively promoting the implementation of the Women Empowerment Principles.
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all, through diversification, innovation, safe and protected work environments, social and professional growth.
Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development; provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels, starting from sustainable governance and business integrity.
Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development, through responsible investments aimed at creating shared value and bringing global challenges to the agenda of economic organizations.